Health Benefits of Milk

Health Benefits of Milk

Date : 06 Jan 2016

  • Fresh Milk. Milk that has been just milked from a cow or buffalo should not be warmed again. Add candy sugar or honey and water, in which raisins have been soaked for some hours. Drinking of this milk for 40 days increases eyesight, memory, and purifies semen. It is beneficial in helping with itching, TB, hysteria, irregular heartbeat, and weak children. Milk should be taken in sips.
  • As a Strength Promoter. If children are weak, add thinly sliced add almonds in milk before giving them to drink. Also, add 250 gms of small carrot pieces to 500 ml of milk. Boil it and cool it just enough to drink it easily. Milk is digested faster this way, it clears the stomach, and a lot of iron is made available to the body.
  • For Acidity and Heartburn. Drink cold milk three times a day if you experience acidity and heartburn issues.
  • For Hiccups. Drinking hot milk relieves hiccups.
  • For Dark Lips. In unboiled fresh milk, add a little ground saffron. Massage this on the lips to lighten the color of the lips.
  • For Freckles, Spots, Pimples, and pustules on the Face. Massage your face or affected areas with tolerably warm milk before going to sleep at night and then wash your face with this milk. After half an hour, wash your face with fresh water. Massaging the face with the froth of freshly milked milk also removes spots. One can use the layer of cream from freshly boiled and cooled milk to remove spots and pimples.
  • For Body Itching. Add water to milk and apply on the itching area with a cotton swab. After some time, wash it off.
  • For Eye Problems. Keep a cotton pad dipped in milk on the eyes if you suffer from red eyes, pain in eyes, and injury to eyes, if something has fallen in the eyes, or if eyes are sensitive to light for relieving these symptoms. A couple drops of milk can be put in the affected eye too. In case a speck of dust or grime has fallen in the eye and it is difficult to get it out, place three drops of milk in the eye. It will come out easily due to the fat in the milk.
  • For Bladder Diseases. Mix jiggery in milk and drink for relief.
  • For Constipation. Take psyllium husk with hot water at night.
  • For Piles. Fresh milk when massaged on the soles of the feet relieves piles.
  • For Diarrhea. For small children, add a pinch of cinnamon to hot milk. In adults add double the quantity of cinnamon.
  • For Burning Micturitions. Add water to unheated milk and drink. It relieves the burning sensation. Do not eat warming foods.
  • For Insomnia. Eating Milk solids or milk boiled till 1/5 th of the original quantity of milk taken remains at bedtime helps to bring on sleep.
  • For Good Digestion and a Calm Sleep. A. Boil milk with 2 tsp of clarified butter or 1/2 tsp of grated nutmeg and 1/2 tsp of coriander powder. Then B. Boil a cup of milk mixed with a cup of water with 1 tsp fresh grated ginger and 3-4 cardamoms on low heat for 5 minutes. Mix 1/2 tsp clarified butter before drinking.
  • For Migraines. Eat jalebi (In India, this is a dessert made of sweet batter deep fried in the shape of a coil served in sugar syrup) or rabri (condensed sweetened milk boiled in open pan till a fourth, 1/4, of the original quantity remains) with hot milk before dinner or bedtime.
  • For Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer. Only milk diet should be taken. No food should be consumed. Eat Amla murabba and drink pomegranate juice only.